Wednesday 4 June 2014

Cold Japanese Soba Noodle with Men-tsuyu (dipping sauce)

There is something unique about the way how Japanese culture dedicate a lifetime in mastering their skill.  No matter its simplicity or complexity, the aura around them as they perform their artistry is truly inspirational.  To give an example, "Jiro Dreams of Sushi" is a documentary on an 85 year old man - Jiro Ono, owner of a world renown, 3 Michelin star restaurant; "Sukiyabashi Jiro" located in Ginza Chuo, Tokyo, Japan.  A prodigy in the art of sushi, he left home at the age of 9 and focused his dedication in making better sushi everyday, pushing the boundaries where possible.  Following his every move in the making of this wondrous film, the camera zero's in on his calm, quiet persona as he forms the rice portion of a  The carefully picked, prepared sashimi portion is dressed a painter with a dedicate purpose and finally, artfully placed on a ceramic plate purposefully designed to plate that single sushi.  It's no wonder patrons should expect to shell out $400 per person to experience just how this man transforms sushi with his skills.  If you haven't watched this film, please do so.  You'll understand what I mean. :)

Soba, translate to buckwheat, originated from Japan, so naturally, the making of soba noodles is an artistic craft, from growing fields of buckwheat, harvesting, sorting grains, grinding, to the actual making of soba noodles.  Like Jiro, there are many soba masters who has dedicated their lifetime to their art, drawing out strands of noodle, hand cut with precision.  

From the back of my poor memory, films out a scene I had watched many moons ago, a 50-60 something year old man, with no verbal narration necessary, focuses on him patiently and carefully mixing buckwheat flour, slowly adding water.  His fingers move like a well choreography dance, up and down, up and down, the dough slowly forms as the dusting of the flour dances until finally, it forms into a smooth ball of dough.  With absolute peace surrounding him, he works the dough, slowly round and round the bowl, kneading with patience into a soft cone shape.  The camera catches the airy smoke of buckwheat flour dusting onto his oversize wooden board.  Dust, dust, dust. With perfect pressure, he rounds and rounds his dough with his palms until he reaches the desired size.  Dust, dust, dust.  Without even looking behind him, his hand grabs onto a long wooden rolling pin.  He magically coax the dough into a long sheet of blanket, large enough to wrap oneself comfortably.  Dust, dust, folding one end of the sheet to another.  Dust, fold, dust, fold until it becomes a sizable block.  Using ancient tools specially made to cut soba noodles, the master takes a deep breath, and at a steady beat, he slices the soba sheets into thin, even strands only to release his breath on the last strand.  His work isn't done yet.  Like a true master, he only knows the soba's worth from the loud slurping of the noodle dipped in the men-tsuyu sauce, consumed by patrons.  

Unfortunately, in this never ending, fast pace life style we all lead, it is nearly impossible to truly enjoy soba noodles the authentic way.  Due to its sudden popularity, consumerism prevailed and dried soba noodles are available at most Asian grocery, wherever you live. Trust me, there's no dancing fingers making these noodles.  Just a whole lot of heavy duty robotic machines.  Krumping.

It is important to note, the percentage of buckwheat flour is considerably lower than the traditional, handmade ones.  Since buckwheat is gluten free, the texture becomes quite brittle so wheat flour and or tapioca flour is mixed in to create elasticity in the dough.  If you are able to find 100% buckwheat flour - dried soba noodles, amazing, if not, try to buy one with buckwheat flour listed as the first ingredient
So without further a due, let's make the men-tsuyu dipping sauce.  This recipe will make approximately 2-3 cups which will make at least 12-15 servings. ;) Remember, this is used as a dipping sauce and not as a soup.

Soba noodle dipping sauce aka Men-tsuyu:
1 kombu (kelp) from japanese aisle of grocery store
1 bag of bonito flakes, approximate 2 large handfuls
1/4 cup soy sauce (I used my favorite soy brand as quality of soy sauce will lend itself to the dish)
1/4 cup mirin
2 cups of water
1 tbsp white sugar

1.  In a sauce pan, add in approx. 2 cups of tap water and soak the kombu for 30mins - 1hr.  The kombu will expand, tripling its size and the flavour extracted from this is the underlining flavour of this sauce.

soy sauce, bonita flakes, mirin, sugar
2.  Once ready, turn heat to medium low and allow to slowly bring to a simmer. When you see bubbles on the bottom of the pan forming, take out the kombu.   Add in your soy sauce, mirin and sugar and continue to let it simmer until soft bubbles start to form on top. Add the bonito flakes.  Don't worry, the heat will make the slivers of bonito flakes seem like it is alive:) enjoy the show:)

3.  Simmer for another couple of minutes.  Prepare a dry, clean bowl, a strainer lined with a paper towel.  Once done simmering, slowly drain over the strainer into the bowl.  The paper towel will pick up all the bonito flakes.

4.  Squeeze out all the liquid from the pouch of bonito flakes.  Every drop counts.:)  (If you do not want to discard the used bonito flakes, save it to eat with japanese rice, or spread onto baking sheet and bake until dried and sprinkle on rice:)

5.  Allow sauce to cool, refrigerate before serving. :)  It's easy peasy here on out.  All you need to do is cook the soba noodles according to package, rinse VERY well under ice cold water, drain well and serve. :)

6.  Topics for soba noodles vary from nori (dried seaweed), wasabi, quail egg, daikon (white radish) and green onion.  I chose to keep mine super simple to enjoy the homemade men-tsu-yu sauce.

Personally, I like to mix a bit of wasabi into my dipping sauce.  To eat, hold onto the dipping sauce cup / bowl with your left hand (if you are right handed) with your chopsticks, pick up a bite size soba noodles and completely soak into dipping sauce and SLURP real loud to eat.  The whole sucking in the cheeks kinda slurp!  the sauce will dance in your mouth, coating all your sensory taste buds, thus the magic to truly enjoying soba noodles like the Japanese. :)  It has been said, if you do not slurp your noodles loudly, you are offending the chef.  By slurping obnoxiously, you are indirectly telling them, the dish is delicious. :) 

SLURP! enjoy:) my favorite summer dinner, especially on a weeknight :) 

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